Individuals diagnosed with diabetes can follow a strict diet to reduce blood sugar and lead a healthy life. Many of them think that following a proper diet will stop them from enjoying delicious foods. However, it’s not true as they can still enjoy having them on special occasions. As per Dr. Meghana Pande in Pune, a diet that diabetic patients can follow must include:
Eat Unsweetened Beverages
High blood sugar patients should avoid consuming sugary beverages. They are high in carbs, fructose, etc., which can increase the risk in people leading to fatty liver conditions. Also, these food products are responsible for giving rise to triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Instead, they can have unsweetened iced tea, consume sufficient quantities of water, etc.
A diet full of fiber and a little amount of salt and fat is what you should follow. Patients’ diet should include fresh veggies, green vegetables like spinach, kale, arugula, etc. They should have unsalted canned or low sodium vegetables. As per the US guidelines, it is said that a diabetic patient must have 2.5 cups of veggies every day.
Every human body needs a sufficient amount of carbs, but diabetic patients need to pick them wisely. The choices to include in their diet are baked sweet potato, whole grains like oatmeal, brown rice, millet, etc. They can also have baked sweet potatoes, and food products with negligible or little added sugar. The worst food products that can increase blood sugar levels are white bread, processed grains, and French fries.
Final Thoughts:-
Patients struggling to keep their blood sugar levels in check should always prefer to be under the guidance of a specialist. Additionally, they can include the above foods in their diet and lead a healthy life by keeping their blood sugar levels in check.
If you need diabetes Treatment, You can contact Dr. Meghana Pande, Pune.